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Courage and Boldness...

Writer's picture: poemapoema

Hope you had a good Easter - it feels a while ago now doesn’t it?.

I spent some quality time with our God in the glory of His creative sunrise. I basked in its beauty and reminded myself that He does that awesomely wonderful thing E-V-E-R-Y SINGLE DAY!

He is supremely clever, isn’t He?

I became mindful of my insignificance and smallness.

But I’m not small in God’s eyes, am I?

And neither are you.


Easter is the reminder we need that we are definitely not insignificant.

With each sunrise, there are times when it is colourful, bright and vibrant. A kaleidoscope of colour and wonder.

Other times it is shrouded by mist, fog and cloud. We can forget that behind the obstruction, the colour and wonder is exactly the same. It doesn’t change, even though the weather does.

Much the same as the glory of God in our lives:

There are times when we see it, we recognise it and we revel in the wonder of it.

Alternatively, our circumstances can cloud our view and the glory and wonder of God is obscured.

But the truth is that whatever those circumstances, the vibrancy and intensity of God never wanes.

It remains the same despite our situation.

I’m no great photographer but I pray this reminds you that there is NEVER cloud or fog marring the value and worth He sees in you.

These photos were taken 2 days apart. One day, the cloud was nowhere to be seen and the next,

a veil of cloud shielded us from its vibrant intensity…

I’ve had to rediscover that myself lately, so I promise you, I need these reminders too!

I’ve fallen victim to imposter syndrome recently. You know, when you hear the voice saying, “You don’t really believe you can achieve that, do you?”

A month or two ago, God pressed the words from Joshua into my heart.

And He’s had to keep pressing them in there, I can tell you!

I command you - be strong and courageous!

Do not be afraid or discouraged.

For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

In a nutshell, I think He had this to say to me:

  • It’s a command. No ifs or buts.

  • I need to be braver with this jewellery business. (It’s His anyway so what have I got to lose?)

  • He’s telling me to be bold and brave and He’s assuring me He’s right there with me, so what on earth am I fearful of? Failure?

  • If this is a promise from God, (which it is) then whatever happens cannot be a failure in His eyes, can it?

  • What is my benchmark of failure anyway? Probably nowhere near God’s, is it?

‘Coincidentally’, in the past few days, I also uncovered a beautiful picture which had been hidden away for ages. The words are ‘God is with you, be brave’.

Ok, ok - I get it!

One of my plans/goals for 2023 is to exhibit my jewellery at more fairs and events, so I have signed up to a few over the year.

One opportunity which came out of the blue was to exhibit at a ladies golf day. My first event of the year and it’s fair to say I was nervous!

Had no reason to be - it was a lovely event, very pleasant venue with friendly customers. Had some fabulous conversations and sold more jewellery than I could have imagined.

God is with you, be brave.

He honoured that - and more!

The vibrance of God’s glory was shrouded behind the mist and cloud of imposter syndrome. It was obscuring His promise that I am not building Poema alone - He is right there with me!

The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Poema will be out and about soon - I’ll be letting you know more in my next email!

Meanwhile, I’ll leave you with a taste of springtime. A branch in bud made in solid fine silver.

New season, new shiny things!


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