By now, you will know Jesus is the foundation of Poema - that it is His word speaking gently into my heart which has inspired this journey.
Because of that, I have explored some new designs featuring crosses.
It’s been a season of playtime in my studio - having some fun with different shapes and styles. Some worked well enough to develop into an actual piece of jewellery, some were disappointingly abandoned and a couple are still to come!
Even the disappointments were learning opportunities though, so nothing is wasted. And who knows, they might be revisited one day and become a future successful design…
Today you’re getting to see what did work though!
Both of these are newly available alongside my previous designs shown further below.
So if you are looking for a gift for either yourself or a loved one which is a reminder of a relationship with Jesus, let me know.
They remind us that WE ARE HIS.
As Easter is almost with us, the cross is a timely reminder of the suffering Jesus endured because of His immeasurable love for us.
[He] laid aside his mighty power and glory, taking the disguise of a slave and becoming like men. And he humbled himself even further, going so far as actually to die a criminal’s death on a cross.
Philippians 2:5
Here’s a recap of current cross necklaces I have available. I haven't managed to list them all on Etsy yet but please click the button to let me know if you are interested in any of them.
As we begin Holy Week, we’re taking the journey from the joy of Palm Sunday to the sorrow of Good Friday. I pray you draw close to Jesus, knowing He is VICTORIOUS!